Allen Airways


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Welcome to our Job page. Here you will find information on job openings if there are any positions that need to be filled in. We are still working to get into operation, as soon as we do jobs listed here will go soon so check back here often to see if the job you'd like is open and up for grabs. We here at Allen Airways always put our pilots, passengers comfort first. Getting our passengers to where they want to be in comfort is our top priority. We also like to have a relaxed working atmosphere, yet working hard to get our work done. Allen Airways is open for any and all subjestions that our staff address to us. We not onyl work for our passengers and pilots, we also work to make sure our staff is at 100% all the time. When you take up a job with Allen Airways you become part of a growing family. A family that will satisfy at nothing but the best.While our motto is "Maybe not the biggest...Only the best!" Isn't just a motto, here at Allen Airways its our way of life.

Jobs avilable:
CEO/President :(Taken)
Vice President: (Taken)
Head of Directors: Open
Hub Director: Open
Director of Flight Scheduling: Open
President of Human Resources: Open
Vice President of Human Resources: Open
Director of Flight Operations :Open
Albany Hub Manager: Open
Fleet Painter: Open
Webpage Operator: Open
Pilot  Representative: Open
Public Relations Director: Open
New York Regional Director: Open
                If you believe you are qualified to take on any of the jobs listed above please contact Brian Allen CEO Allen Airways to send in an application. Please be sure to give:
e-mail address and/or AOL IM screenname
Any prior expierence
Former place of employment
Why you chose Allen Airways
Name of job you wish to take.

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